To put into words what Desert Mountain did for me can not be achieved by only words, it has to be experienced. However, I will try to do the best I can. This incredible treatment center did something for me that I could not do for myself. Going in to treatment I really had no clue of what to expect but it really was my last hope of continuing to stay alive. I had not only hit rock bottom but I had even dug through that and went even deeper. While there in my 98 days I was in the program, a transformation happened, a reaction to the program I would have never thought possible for me. I learned things about myself far beyond just about me and my 17 year using career. I learned about things about myself of which I never knew before and learned a lot of things about just why I have always been the way that I am. I learned how to be and became comfortable with being truly honest, open-minded, and willing. I learned to love myself again, love myself for who I am. I am what I am, and that is perfectly fine. I learned so many tools to use in my ongoing recovery that I am extremely confident that I was educated on everything I needed to be and to carry with me in living my new sober life, free from the need of drugs and alcohol. The feeling of being set free from that indispensable wreckage created by drugs & alcohol, and the clear consciousness that has been created from it. If you or someone close to you suffers from this horrible disease of addiction, I could not recommend a better place. The staff is nothing short of absolutely wonderful and was everything I ever needed. I will continue to thank them every day for the rest of my life. They saved my life and then some.
Saved This Addict’s Life
April 12, 2018