At Desert Mountain Health, we have created a welcoming environment for all clients entering medical detox. We understand the needs of our clients during this phase in recovery and are committed to maintaining a secure, relaxing and comfortable space for all. Our inpatient detox center was designed as a home away from home that allows our clients to detox safely. With state-of-the-art amenities, lounging areas, around the clock care, tailored meals and healthy snacks to name a few, Desert Mountain Health provides everything you need and more during your stay with us.
What to Bring to Detox:
Personal Belongings:
- Personal Identification (Driver’s License, Passport, Birth Certificate, etc.)
- Insurance Card
- Small suitcase containing 3 comfortable changes of clothes and non-alcoholic containing toiletries
- 1-quart sized zip locked bag containing cosmetic products
- 1-quart sized zip locked bag containing toiletries
- Cigarettes
- It is required to come with a minimum of $100 on a Visa gift card to cover prescription refills, personal hygiene products, etc…
*Desert Mountain Health is not responsible for any lost/stolen items so please choose carefully on what to bring
Items That Will be Stored During Your Stay:
- Cell Phone (please write down all important phone numbers prior to your arrival)
- Cash, Credit Cards and Gift Cards (you will have access to your money at staff approved trips to the store)
- Prescription Medications to be reviewed by Doctor (no controlled substances of any kind)
- iPod/MP3 Players
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Cosmetics containing alcohol
- Car Keys (vehicles may be parked at the Desert Mountain Health treatment center)
*All confiscated items, with the exception of Drugs/Alcohol, will be returned upon discharge
What to Leave at Home:
- Illegal Drugs/Alcohol
- Drug paraphernalia
- Any sharp or dangerous objects
- Cameras/Camcorders
- T-shirts with sexually explicit, violent or drug related content
- Weapons
- Food Items
- Laundry Detergent, fabric softener and hand soap
- Pornography
- Personal linen, pillows or stuffed animals
- Any other potentially dangerous substance or device deemed unsafe by Desert Mountain Health Staff
*Desert Mountain Health reserves the right to confiscate ANY item deemed to be unfit for treatment